here are my answers. please understand I have to be short because of lack of time, but I tried to be precise.
very best,
Thomas Hirschhorn
1-how do you feel abouth something like a documenta urbana?
I do not know what a documenta urbana is.
2-how do you think abouth stadt, sichtbar machen?
I did not see this work.
3-what kind of interaction is needed?
No interaction is needed, only action is needed, the action of thinking.
4-which questions should be asked?
First: How can I create an event?
second: How can I meet the other?
third: What do I want?
and fourth: Which is my position?
5-what can you see now having done the bataille monument?
I realized that with the principle of Presence and Production - my presence as artist, my production as artist - I can create moments and space of public life.
6-did the kassel people learn from this?
People learnt that they have to agree beyond understanding beyond approval as I learnt that I have to agree beyond understanding and beyond approval.
7-did it change anything?
It changed everything.
8-why do architects and planners need artists?
Perhaps they don’t have enough ideas of their own.
9-how can we use the art audience to change a city?
I do not make the difference between an art audience and any other audience, I work for a non exclusive audience.
10-does a city need change?
A city, because it’s a city, is changing all the time.
11-what when art becomes real?
Art is real, doing artwork is confronting reality.
12-will it be like tirana?
I do not know tirana.
13-without building can we build?
To build starts in the brain.
14-do we need to show problems?
15-should we create solutions?
16-or should we show possibilities?
As artist we should create new problems.
17-what is the main problem concerning public space?
The main problem is to choose the non-ideal location.
18-what is public space?
It is everything beyond my own skin.
19-where can we find public space?
Outside oneself.
20-are gated communities communities?
21-when objects have a psychic emotional link, what kind of objects do we need?
All objects can at a specific situation find their necessity.
22-like the ornaments of churches, shops have their ornaments do we need another war against images?
I am fighting for images , not against them.
23-can we free the streets?
I am for streets, I am for cars.
24-will europe become a city?
25-when europe is a city what is a gaited community?
26-what objects can free a mind?
Every object.
27-what isn t urbana?
I don’t know what urbana is.
28-what is public space in a dream?
I’m not a dreamer.
29-who are in public space?
All of us.
30-when was public space build for the first time?
Public space is not built.
31-what is important in our surroundings?
The neighbourhood, the neighbours.
32-when public space is in your head, what is your view?
The other.
33-do you go outside much?
34-how important is it to look at the landscape?
It’s important.
35-can you desribe what is typical abouth going thru public space?
I’m never alone.
36-what are routines of our environment?
The unused spaces with no specific function, the lost spaces.
37-when your in public space what makes you feel lonely?
I’m never lonely in public space.
38-what abouth public transport?
It has to be fluid.
39-are the children outside a problem?
40-do you have much to do with people living around you?
Yes, I like my neighbours, I like neighbourhoodship.
41-how do you describe people s attitude towards their environment?
Different people, different attitudes.
42-should all gardens be public?
I’m not interested in gardens.
43-what is an ideal environment?
The beauty is that there is no ideal environment.
44-should we accept urban environment like nature?
45-isn t nature our first public space?
46-where do you draw the line between nature and culture?
My line is between nature and art.
47-where does public space begin?
id. answer 19.
48-how public is space anyway?
Public is universal.
49-is nature our last public space?
id. answer 45.
50-how long can we tolerate private space?
It’s not a question of tolerance, it’s a question of love, of resistance, of war, of hope, of autonomy, of assertion, of headlessness, of courage, of universality and of form.